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A COVID Economy and the Billionaire Scrooges


Dec 25, 2020

The economy is rebounding — So why are most Americans not feeling it? Because we haven't taken Dickens' lessons to heart.

From socialized higher education to privatizing budget shortfalls: How students took up the slack


Aug 19, 2019

Public higher education costs have been tracking inflation. So why have they been leading to massive student loan debt?

Answered: Are there "Dual Citizens" in Congress?


Jul 27, 2019

Dual citizenship: An expensive way of letting one's hipster friends know how quirky they are, or a scheme to subvert America from within?!

Oregon could change the balance of power in Congress with this one weird trick!


Jun 12, 2019

A uniquely Oregon historical footnote leads to an interesting thought experiment about the potential makeup of Congress.


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